
From gru, 2 Years ago, written in YAML, viewed 59 times.
URL https://paste.linuxiarz.pl/view/b9d55561 Embed
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  1.  - platform: template
  2.     sensors:    
  3.       suma_fazy:
  4.         friendly_name: Phase summ
  5.         unit_of_measurement: "W"
  6.         value_template: "{{ states('sensor.0_electricity_meter_power_active_phase_1') | float | round(0) + states('sensor.0_electricity_meter_power_active_phase_2') | float | round(0) + states('sensor.0_electricity_meter_power_active_phase_3') | float | round(0) }}"
  7.       konsumpcja:
  8.         friendly_name: Consumption
  9.         unit_of_measurement: "W"
  10.         value_template: "{{ states('sensor.suma_fazy') | float | round(0) + states('sensor.sofarsolar_ac_power') | float(1) | round(0) | default(0) }}"

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